Sunday, June 24, 2007

Monday, 6-25-07

SPOILER WARNING: Don't read any further until you've done today's New York Sun Crossword Puzzle. New York Sun puzzles are every bit as fun and challenging as the more well-known New York Times and they're indisputably better in one way -- they're free. If you'd like to read about an unbiased head-to-head competition between the Sun and the Times check this out. Or if you're ready to decide for yourself you can download this puzzle and join in on the fun here.

"Grand Film Openings" is by David J. Klahn. Six movie titles -- everything from horror to humor -- are included in the grid, and a seventh title is a word that go in front of the first word in the other six to create a familar phrase.

Let's start with that key 7th one:
40A: 1988 Tom Hanks film (and a link to the starts of this puzzle's other six film titles) (BIG)

And we'll start this Big Time off with 3D: 1981 John Cleese film (TIME BANDITS)

18A: 1953 Vincent Price film (HOUSE OF WAX)
This one was remade a couple of years ago, but in that one I think "wax" referred to Paris Hilton's range of facial expression.

23D: 1959 Charlton Heston film (BEN HUR) Paul Newman was actually offered the role before Heston, but he turned it down because he didn't think he had the legs for a tunic.

31D: 1935 Fred Astaire Film (TOP HAT)

2003 Chris Rock film (HEAD OF STATE)

62A: 1938 Ronald Reagan film (BROTHER RAT)

And although it won't result in a movie title, you can also put the word "big" in front of:

47A: Tulsa industry (OIL)

70A: Gawked at (EYED) as in "There ain't nothing in the world like a big-eyed girl to mnake me act so funny, make me spend my money, make me feel real loose like a long-necked goose.

45A: Criticize severely (BASH)

39D: Stubbed thing (TOE)

27D: Carnegie haul? (STEEL)

60D: Off-price event (SALE)

And of course, for those whose sense of humor hasn't matured any since playground days: 48A: Became exhausted, with "out" (PETERED)

One other entry I find worthy of comment:

22A: Try rye, say (IMBIBE) Good luck trying rye at most bars or liquor stores. If they have any it will be a dusty bottle of something by a distiller better known for other products. Rye whiskey used to be the most popular alcoholic beverage in America. George Washington made 11,000 gallons of it one year, but it has lost a lot of ground to the sweeter, heavier-bodied bourbon. There are signs that rye may be making a comeback, however.

And I will be making a comeback tomorrow.

1 comment:

Linda G said...

This is a first. I've done the Monday Sun puzzle before going to bed Sunday night.

I knew all of the old films but struggled with some of the more recent ones (1980 and up), other than BIG. Fun movie.

When I was very young, I thought HOUSE OF WAX was HOUSE OF WHACKS...maybe the story of an axe murderer.