Sunday, January 18, 2009


For a change I'm not going to complain about how I never have time to read. I'm going to complain about how I never have time to draw. I love to draw and the fact that I've never been particularly good at it does not diminish my enjoyment of it one whit. I recently came across a sketchbook of mine from a couple years ago and found a few drawings that were not too horrible:

(Warning naked humans and clothed reptiles ahead)

Yes, my favorite thing to draw is people, particularly female people. But that's not all, I also like to draw alligators

And speaking of lizards, I also drew this caricature of the man who up till about eight years ago held the distinction of being America's worst president.I think my best one is probably this bored flapper here. It's a total ripoff of John Held, Jr. But I love John Held Jr. It was too big to fit on the scanner, but here's most of it:

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